PillowGrace Project

PillowGrace Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded to bring comfort and encouragement to others through God’s Word via PillowGrace pillows and pillowcases.


Our Mission

To encourage and build others up in God’s active Word. -1 Thessalonians 5:11


Our Vision

That every person Rest Assured and Arise Restored to run with endurance the race set before them. -Hebrews 12:1


Our Projects

In April 2019, PillowGrace Project sent 200 pillowcases to army troops deployed in Afghanistan under the direction of Reverend Billy Barrow.

“Thank you for supporting CH Barrow and our Battalion during our deployment! We are humbled that you have provided such a wonderful gift to our Platoon! We are very thankful to have such positive support from back home. All of the Soldiers at our location received a pillowgrace, some are pictured below. Thank you and God bless!” – Michelle


In June 2019, PillowGrace Project partnered with Abiding Love Adoptions to create an Adoption Collection A portion of the proceeds from each PillowGrace sold in this collection will be donated to Abiding Love for post-adoption support groups and care.